We believe that access to safe water is not only fundamental to good health, but also to sustain life, and to promote economic growth and development.
Founded on passion and first hand experience
For the past 4 years, we've made it our mission to bring clean water and sanitation to the rural zones in central Africa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. We believe in bringing clean water close to villages so that children can spend most of their time at school. Founded by Ben Kihumbu and Romeo Kihumbu, Foundation Bon Samaritan creates sustainable solutions to bring clean water and empower rural Sub-Saharan African populations.
Access to clean water has the power to turn time spent fetching water miles away into time saved to focus on education. Access to clean water helps populations unlock potentials and focus on the vital needs of the community: education, economic prosperity, and health.

Because vital needs such as access to clean water are still some of major issues of rural families, children and women spend hours fetching water miles away.

Access to safe water is not only fundamental to good health, but also to sustain life. Make a change, donate today.
We believe knowledge is power. We have empowered more than 36 families by sponsoring school fees with our Dr. Griggs scholarship and providing yearly school supplies for more than 480 students with our "Change for Change" campaign.